Friday, May 22, 2015


Have you checked out what young teen girls have been doing lately? That’s right, the Kylie Jenner Challenge. If you have been living under a rock you may be asking, “Who is Kylie Jenner?”

She is this chick:

Photo Cred: Her Instagram . . .

She is a Kardashian, and is only 17. Her age and celebrity status makes her a source of inspiration to girls across the nation. However, she is a questionable role model, with her lavish lifestyle complete with parties and dropping out of high school.  Yikes!

So what’s the deal with this lip challenge thing?

Basically, girls are trying to achieve her luscious lip look by sucking on a cup; the challenge backfired for most and girls ended up with some seriously painful pouts.

This video highlights some of the worst of the worst, and let’s face it, is hilarious, so check it out.

This girl seems to have the right idea. Why would anyone do this to themselves? This encourages the question of how much influence to teen stars really have on the average teen that may be living under your roof? From this crazy example, the answer seems to be quite a lot.

According to the study in this article, celebrities do in fact influence teens a great deal. What else is new? I will answer that for you: social media.

I believe the interaction on social media between teens and their beloved celebrity creates a sort of foe friendship. In other words, teens think they are closer to them than they really are, and hence trust and admire them more.

What are your thoughts? 

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